USE Cases


It’s hard to imagine our lives without mobile banking apps and wallets that allow person-to-person mobile payments. Such applications are provided by banks, fintech companies, and mobile operators. Most of these applications are proprietary and isolated from each other. While we can freely exchange information and communicate globally, monetary payments still operate in silos.

VNX aims to bring a solution in the form of fully secured fiat referenced tokens that will allow the transfer of value between wallets as easily as information moves via email or messaging apps.

Crypto Exchanges

Centralised and decentralised crypto asset exchanges are online platforms where buyers and sellers trade crypto assets. Crypto assets are quite volatile, while VNX fiat referenced tokens, pegged to the exchange rate of fiat currencies, do not fluctuate in price. This makes them useful for linking to fiat and hedging risk when trading crypto assets.

Decentralized Finance

Decentralised finance (DeFi) is a generic term for open-source, smart contract-based financial services. Popular DeFi protocols such as Compound, Balancer, and Curve have opened up a whole world of new opportunities to investors looking for deep liquidity, varying risk-reward ratios, and interesting new investment opportunities. DeFi is becoming an alternative to the traditional financial sector, replacing the traditional technologies with open-source protocols. The DeFi ecosystem encompasses all aspects of financial services, including borrowing, lending, and trading. Any internet user can manage assets through peer-to-peer (P2P) and decentralised applications (dApps).

DeFi offers customers significant advantages: cost efficiency, transparency, interoperability, user experience flexibility, decentralisation, and autonomous governance. All of these advantages, combined with global reach, make DeFi's financial infrastructure truly appealing, something that cannot be said for many of the assets that are traded on DeFi. Many are volatile tokens of uncertain value with ill-conceived tokenomics (or with none at all), and encourage many investors to stay away from DeFi. VNX aims to bring assets with real value to the decentralised market to unlock its potential for more users around the world.

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