πŸš€ VNX Gold Features

  • Online transactions: registration on the platform and execution of transactions with precious metals does not require a physical visit to our office – everything is managed online;

  • Speed: the purchase of VNX Gold tokens is usually instantaneous. However, when the client purchases large amounts of precious metals, the procedure may take a little longer;

  • Variety of payment methods: on the VNX platform, clients can pay in classic "fiat" currency (euro) and cryptocurrencies;

  • Ease of transactions: clients can freely transfer VNX Gold tokens from the VNX Platform to an "external" wallet (i.e. located outside the VNX Platform – for example, their personal wallet) on the blockchain and then dispose of them at their own discretion;

  • Fragmented: it is possible to transfer rights to a small amount of gold without physically dividing gold bars;

  • Liquidity: VNX Gold has two sources of liquidity: it can be easily traded on crypto exchanges or underlined gold can be traded with major worldwide traders directly on the VNX Platform;

  • Absence of delisting risks: you do not need a crypto exchange to sell your VNX Gold. The VNX Platform is always available for your transactions with your VNX Gold;

  • Access to physical gold: an authorised VNX Gold holder can collect physical bullion from the Liechtenstein vault or request worldwide delivery;

  • Globality: VNX Gold tokens are available to customers around the world, regardless of travel restrictions, customs, and borders [1];

  • Regulatory Compliance: In accordance with the requirements of Blockchain Act, VNX Commodities AG is registered as TT Services Provider with the Financial Markets’ Authority (the Financial Services Regulator in Liechtenstein). The FMA is responsible for monitoring compliance with KYC/AML requirements and audits us and our business activities at regular intervals, which in turn entails further protection for you and your assets;

  • Protection of personal data: VNX Commodities AG is subject to strict European personal data protection rules (GDPR).

[1] Subject to KYC/AML restrictions.

Last updated