Token Standard
FRT is a multichain token that is issued on a variety of blockchains. On the Ethereum blockchain, FRT follows the ERC-20 protocol. ERC-20 smart contracts follow a standard protocol for representing custom tokens on the blockchain. Specifically, the contract must declare the basic characteristics of the tokens (name, symbol, decimal precision), track the total number of tokens, track the token balance for each Ethereum address, and allow address holders to transfer portions of their balance to other addresses. Most Ethereum-supporting exchanges and wallet applications already have built-in support for FRTs. While the initial token generation takes place via the VNX Platform, any other FRT transactions follow a smart contract written to the ERC-20 specification.
The FRT ERC-20 contract code is available for technical review and audit, so anyone can make sure the code will work as VNX has described.
On other blockchains, the FRT smart contract will follow the standard protocol for representing custom tokens of the corresponding blockchain.
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